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Do Dual Citizens Have To Pay Taxes in Latvia?

Writer's picture: Baltic MigrationBaltic Migration

Updated: Jan 11, 2023

Many visitors from the United States are charmed by Latvia's culture, way of life, and natural beauty. Although it may be surprising that many people choose to apply for dual Latvian citizenship, this is because Latvia is one of the few countries in the world that allows for this. It will enable citizens of the United States to obtain an EU passport, allowing them to travel freely throughout the European Union. When clients apply for dual Latvian citizenship, we are frequently asked tax-related questions such as the following:

Throughout this article, we will explore the topic of Latvian dual citizenship taxes in greater depth and provide solutions to these and other related topics.

What is the taxation system in Latvia?

"Is it essential for me to pay taxes if I hold dual citizenship?

The short answer is that you are only required to pay taxes in Latvia if you are physically present in the country for more than 183 days a year. In Latvia, there is a contrast between being a Latvian citizen and being a Latvian resident, and this distinction is crucial when it comes to taxation. To be qualified to pay taxes as a dual citizen in Latvia, you must either reside in Latvia for at least 183 days per year or have assets in the country that are registered there. Other than that, you are not required to make any disclosures to the Latvian authorities. In other words, you can be a Latvian citizen while spending most of your time in theUS without paying any taxes to the Latvian government.

Is it possible to get Social Security benefits while holding dual citizenship?

Assuming that you have applied for dual citizenship and maintain your United States Citizenship, holding citizenship in another country will have no impact on your Social Security benefits or eligibility for certain benefits and alternatives. However, choose to quit your citizenship in the United States and relocate to another country. It may have a direct impact on your eligibility to receive Social Security benefits from the United States.

As we previously stated, your tax liability as a dual citizen in Latvia is exactly proportional to the period you spend in Latvia on a regular basis. Even if you have not registered as a resident of Latvia, you must pay taxes on your global income if you have stayed more than 183 days there during a tax year. If, on the other hand, you have resided in Latvia for less than 183 days in a tax year, the only thing you have to pay is the income tax on the money you have made while in the country during that period, which is a flat rate of 10%. The period you have spent in the country will determine whether or not you are required to file your taxes within the specified time frame.

It does not matter if your income is obtained entirely outside of Latvia; under international tax law, you must declare your earnings in the country you have spent the most time within a tax year. If you have been in Latvia for more than 183 days, you are required to declare the whole of your income to the authorities, even if you have already paid taxes on it in the United States. This does not imply that you will be subjected to taxation in Latvia once more; instead, you are obligated to declare it. By doing so, you are alerting the Latvian government about the taxes you have previously paid to foreign governments. If you have earned income or accumulated assets in Latvia, you will only be liable for tax on the difference between the tax brackets in the United States and the country of residence there.


Latvia's dual citizenship application process is complicated because the country has its own set of tax regulations and standards. While having dual citizenship for citizens of the United States has numerous benefits, you should carefully consider your options before making the decision. Indeed, there are laws in existence that can assist you in avoiding additional taxation because of your dual nationality. There are a few details, though, that you must be aware of before making a final decision on which option to choose from the list.

If you are a dual citizen who does not stay in Latvia for most of the year, you do not need to worry about paying taxes in Latvia. Of course, if you have any Latvian assets, you will be subject to the appropriate taxation. In addition, generating income in Latvia is subject to tax at the rates we have mentioned above.

How can Baltic Migration help me?

Does your grandfather, grandmother or any other relative left Latvia during before or after WW2? Claim your Latvian citizenship now.

We offer a free and confidential eligibility assessment.

If you are eligible, we can provide you with a no-obligation quote.

We hope this article has provided you with a useful insight into the application process of claiming Latvian citizenship.

To find out more about citizenship in Latvia, please contact us at



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